The effective g factor g* of conduction electrons in degenerate CdTe has been determined by using measurements of the Cd113 nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time T1 and the Knight shift K. It is shown that the magnitude of g* is given by the Korringa product T1TK2=C(g*)2, where C is a known constant and T is the absolute temperature, and that the sign of g* is given by the sign of K for a spherically symmetric conduction band. The measured value, g*=1.1±0.1, is within the range allowed by effective-mass theory. Also, the electronic probability density at the nucleus, normalized to unity in an atomic volume, is calculated to be |ψF(0)|26.5×1025 cm3, about 70% of that found for the free Cd ion in a 5sS122 state.