Structural studies of mannans from Candida albicans (serotypes A and B), Candida parapsilosis, Candida stellatoidea, and Candida tropicalis

Mannans have been isolated from cells of the following Candida species: C. albicans (serotype A), C. albicans (serotype B), C. parapsilosis. C. stellatoidea. and C. tropicalis. Methylation and hydrolysis of each mannan yielded the following methyl esters of D-mannose (with only small variations in the relative amounts): 2,3,4, 6-tetra-O-methyl-D-mannose, 3,4,6-tri-O-methyl-D-mannose (major), 2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-D-mannose (minor), 2,4,6-tri-O-methyl-D-man-nose (minor), 3,4-di-O-methyl-D-mannose, and 3,5-di-O-methyl-D-mannose. The mannans therefore contained a predominance of 1[forward arrow]2 linkages in the linear portions, with smaller amounts of 1[forward arrow]6 and 1[forward arrow] 3 linkages. Branching occurred through C-2 and C-6 of D-mannopyranose and D-mannofuranose units, and branches were terminated by D-mannopyranose units. The specific rotations of the mannans indicated that most of the glycosidic linkages were in the a configuration. The structural studies support the observation that the mannans are very similar serologically and show cross-reactivity in antisera to any of the parent organisms.