Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of GaAs Step Structures on Vicinal Substrate Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition

Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is used to study the step structure of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD)-grown GaAs on a vicinal substrate. We passivated the as-grown surfaces with As in a vacuum chamber connected to the MOCVD system in order to protect it from oxidation during its transfer to the STM system. The undulation amplitude of the monolayer steps grown on a surface misoriented in the [110] direction is about twice that of these grown on a surface misoriented in the [1̄10] direction. On a substrate at misorientation angles equal to or less than 7.0°, surfaces show a monolayer step staircase when the growth temperature (T g)>650° C; step bunching occurs and the vicinal surface decomposed into (001) terraces and facets on which steps bunch when 575° C≤T g≤650° C; and elliptical two-dimensional islands form between the monolayer steps because of a decrease of Ga diffusion coefficient when T g<575° C.