The Influence of Feeding and Oral Rehydration on the Bioavailability of Oxytetracycline in Calves

The influence of feeding on the bioavailability of oxytetracycline was studied in preruminant calves. Oxytetracycline was given in water as a drench to fasting calves or was mixed in the milk replacer. Compared to water the bioavailability was significantly reduced (53.5%) when oxytetracycline was mixed in the milk re-placer. A further reduction, 83.3 %, occurred when the calves were treated one hour post milk feeding. Also concentrate was found to reduce the bioavailability. Very high serum levels were recorded when the drug was given in an oral rehydration solution, pH 4.9, containing glycine. The values obtained when an alkaline (pH 8.3) solution without glycine was used did not differ from the levels recorded when oxytetracycline was given in water. It was suggested that the use of oxytetra-cyclines in feeds may be questioned because of their well-known complex forming ability.