Effect of Cortisone on Serum Glycoprotein and Seromucoid Levels of Rats

Daily doses of 2-3 mg of cortisone acetate injected subcutaneously were without significant effect on the seromucoid hexose in rats after treatment for 14 days. Massive dosages (5-10 mg/day) resulted in significant elevations of seromucoid and slightly lowered serum glycoprotein hexose levels. Starvation resulted in similarly lowered serum glycoprotein levels, but had no significant effect on seromucoid. Injection of turpentine subcutaneously resulted in large elevations of both glycoprotein and seromucoid 4 days after injection. It appears unlikely, therefore, that elevations of protein-bound carbohydrate following stress can be related to the elaboration of cortisone-like compounds.