Effects of immersion in cholesterol‐lipid solution on the tensile and fatigue properties of elastomeric polymers for blood pump applications

Tensile and fatigue properties were studied on three kinds of segmented polyether polyurethanes developed for blood pump applications. To study the effects of plasma constituents, specimens were immersed in a cholesterol‐lipid solution whose composition is similar to that of plasma. The results obtained were compared with those observed in a saline solution which had been reported previously. Immersion in the cholesterol‐lipid solution has influence on the mechanical properties of Toyobo TM5 polyurethane and Avcothane 51: Its effect is enhanced by cyclic deformation. Cholesterol‐lipids change the mechanical characteristics of Avcothane 51 more remarkably than those of Toyobo TM5 polyurethane possibly because the former contains about 10% silicone. On the other hand, there is little effect of the constituents of the cholesterollipid solution on the static and dynamic mechanical properties of Biomer, although moisture and cyclic deformation have some influence on the mechanical characteristics.