Degree of starch gelatinization, digestion rate of starch in vitro, and metabolic response in rats

Glycemic response after ingestion of starchy foods varies. Starch in many common ready-to-eat foods is only partly gelatinized. In view of this, the relationships among degree of starch gelatinization, in vitro digestion rate, and in vivo metabolic response in rats were studied. Wheat starch with different degrees of gelatinization was used in the experiments. Plasma glucose and insulin responses as well as the rate of in vitro hydrolysis with alpha-amylase were strongly correlated to the degree of starch gelatinization (r = 0.88, r = 0.90, and r = 0.96, respectively). Plasma glucose and insulin responses were also positively correlated to the rate of hydrolysis with alpha-amylase in vitro (r = 0.98 and r = 0.76, respectively). These results suggest that the degree of starch gelatinization is an important determinant both for the rate of starch hydrolysis in vitro and for the metabolic response in vivo.