Über das Vorkommen von „sauren Ketosteroiden“ im Harn

In addition to estrone another substance occurs in the alkaline fraction from ethereal urine extracts. This substance, which according to all previous investigations behaves as a typical 17-ketosteroid, must contain in addition a functional acid group which is obviously non-phenolic. In the m-dinitrobenzene reaction the new urine fraction shows a 2nd absorption maximum at 250-260 m[mu] in addition to the normal absorption maximum at 510-520 m[mu] given by all 17-ketosteroids. This substance cannot be an organic acid excreted in the urine or a 3-, 3-, 7-, 11-, 12-, or 20-ketosteroid or acetophenone. These "acid ketosteroids" may be derivatives of cortico-steroids originally containing an aiedhyde group which has been oxidized to a carboxyl group.