Temperature dependence of the electrical characteristics of Yb/p-InP tunnel metal-insulator-semiconductor junctions

High barrier Yb/p‐InP metal‐insulator‐semiconductor (MIS) and metal‐semiconductor (MS) junctions were fabricated by evaporation of Yb on InP:Zn substrates. The capacitance‐voltage (CV) and current‐voltage (IV) characteristics of these devices were measured over a wide range of temperatures. From the room‐temperature forward IV data, the values of 1.06 and 1.30 for the ideality factor (n) were obtained for the MIS and MS diodes, respectively. The higher value of n was attributed to an order of magnitude higher density of interface states in the MS junction than in the MIS diodes. The I‐V/T data over the temperature range 190–400 K, indicated that the forward current transport in the Yb/p‐InP MIS junction was controlled by the thermionic‐field emission (TFE) mechanism. The analysis of the reverse saturation current I0 in terms of the TFE model provided a value of 1.07±0.03 V for the zero bias, zero temperature barrier height (φ0) which was in close agreement with the value of φ0=1.03±0.04 V, provided by the CV data. For the MS diode, the temperature dependence of the forward IV characteristics over the temperature range 250–350 K were well described by the thermionic emission process. However, the value of φ0=0.80±0.04 V, determined from the IV data was much smaller than the value of φ0=0.96±0.04 V, obtained from the CV data.

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