Studies on the Preservation of the Ciliate Didinium nasutum

Two strains of D. nasutum (Mueller, 1786) Stein, 1859 were successfully frozen using 10% dimethylsulfoxide as a cryoprotectant. A suspension consisting partially or wholly of cysts frozen at a controlled rate of C/min gave rise, when thawed, to active feeding trophozoites which did not appear different from the original stock. Dried cysts were similarly recovered from C. An accelerated storage test designed to gauge stability of dried material proved that shredded filter paper was preferable to glass as a drying substrate, but indicate that viability would gradually decrease with storage at C. The ease, reliability and advantages of maintaining this protozoon cryogenically, especially in a dried condition, are presented to encourage more widespread acceptance and use of cryopreservation for encysting protozoa.

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