Alternative charge-order polymorph for half-doped manganites in
- 31 December 2002
- journal article
- research article
- Published by American Physical Society (APS) in Physical Review B
- Vol. 66 (22) , 220405
The half-doped manganite perovskite has been prepared by low-temperature oxygen intercalation into Neutron powder diffraction shows that at 300 K, has a triclinic distorted perovskite superstructure exhibiting long-range order of the and cations, displacements of the intercalated oxygens, and charge states, and orbital states. The “rocksalt” charge order is different from the “striped” arrangement found in many other half-doped manganite perovskites such as demonstrating that internal strains induced by the cations can lead to polymorphism of charge ordering in a transition-metal oxide framework.
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