Photoresist stripping in afterglow of Ar-O2 microwave plasma

The experimental investigation of the photoresist etching rate in the afterglow of Ar‐O2 microwave plasma has been performed. It was found that up to 50% Ar can be added to O2 without etching rate decrease. A high photoresist etching rate of 2.9 μm/min has been achieved. A mathematical model based on the one‐dimensional mass continuity equation for atomic oxygen, taken to be responsible for the etching process, has been proposed. Modeling of the Ar‐O2 afterglow microwave photoresist stripping process was performed. The simulated behavior of the atomic oxygen flux shows a similar dependence with Ar dilution and pressure as the experimentally observed photoresist etching rate. It indicates that the photoresist etching rate is determined by the atomic oxygen flux to the substrate. The proposed model explains the measured dependencies.

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