Quantitation of platelet antigens after chloroquine treatment

The effect of chloroquine treatment on the expression of various platelet antigens was studied. For this purpose, the binding of several human platelet-reactive antibodies (polyspecific HLA antibodies; platelet-specific PlA1, PlA2, Baka antibodies; platelet autoantibodies) and of murine monoclonal antibodies specific for epitopes on the glycoprotein (Gp) complexes IIb/IIIa or Ib/IX were quantitated by means of a competitive enzyme-linked immunoassay (CELIA) using fresh and stored chloroquine-treated platelets. We found that HLA antigens were substantially removed from platelets following chloroquine treatment (confirming earlier results) while platelet-specific antigens on the Gp complex IIb/IIIa were but little affected. Epitopes on the Gp complex Ib/IX did not show any alteration. Storage of chloroquine-treated panel platelets known to interfere with immunofluorescence had no effect on quantitative IgG determinations by CELIA. We conclude that chloroquine treatment of platelets is practicable for platelet antibody analysis, but exerts its effect unspecifically and requires cautious interpretation.