Transition Mixing Ratios Determined from a Study of the Electron and Gamma-Ray Distributions from OrientedIr192

The angular distributions measured for 12 γ rays in Os192 and Pt192 resulting from the decay of cryogenically oriented Ir192 have been used to determine the following E2M1 mixing ratios: 201 keV, δ2>3.7; 296 keV, δ=(61+3); 308 keV, δ=(7.1±0.6); 417 keV, δ=43+7; 485 keV, δ=5.8±0.8; 604 keV, δ=1.5±0.1, following the Rose-Brink sign convention. The angular distribution of the 672-keV β group and the above γ measurements limit the relative contribution, IL, of different operator tensor ranks, L, involved in each β transition. The results for electron-capture transitions terminating at levels in osmium are: 694-keV level, I1>0.9; 584-keV level, I0>0.6, I2<0.1. For β transitions feeding platinum states, we determine: 921-keV level, I1>0.8; 785-keV level, I1>0.92, I2<0.03. The Ir192 ground-state magnetic moment is determined to be positive.