Curie temperature trends in (III,Mn)V ferromagnetic semiconductors

We present a theoretical survey of ferromagnetic transition temperatures in cubic (III,Mn)V semiconductors based on a model with S=5/2 local moments exchange coupled to itinerant holes in the host semiconductor valence band. Starting from the simplest mean-field theory of this model, we estimate the Tc enhancement due to exchange and correlation in the itinerant-hole system and the Tc suppression due to collective fluctuations of the ordered moments. We show that high critical temperatures in these ferromagnetic semiconductors require both the large magnetic susceptibility contribution from the valence-band heavy holes and the large spin stiffness resulting from a complex valence-band structure that includes the more dispersive light holes. Our calculations demonstrate that the model of carrier-induced ferromagnetism of these systems is consistent with high critical temperatures observed experimentally in (III,Mn)V semiconductors.