The effects of blended Chinese traditional medicines applied for diabetes mellitus were studied on the pattern of action of the glucose tolerance curves in genetically diabetic KK-CAy mice. The glucose tolerance curves of KK-CAy mice (humping curve) were analyzed pharmacokinetically by a mathematical model (Compartment-H model). The curves could be classified into several types of pattern through the analysis for the humping effect. Daisaikoto-Ka-Jio and Byakko-Ka-Ninjinto reduced the humping effect, whereas Hachimigan had a tendency to enhance it. On the combined effect of crude drugs prescribed in the blended medicines, the effect of Daisaikoto was lessened by subtracting Rehmanniae Rhizoma from Daisaikoto-Ka-Jio and Byakkoto (subtracted Ginseng Radix from Byakko-Ka-Ninjinto) had no inhibitory effect on the humping. Rehmanniae Rhizoma or Ginseng Radix alone had the similar effect on decreasing the humping. The hypoglycemic component of Ginseng Radix (DPG3-2) decreased the humping effect in a dose-dependent manner. The effects of crude drugs and the active component of the crude drug supported those of the blended medicines on the humping effect by utilizing pharmacokinetical analysis.