Characterization of the antitumor activities of human tumor necrosis factor-alpha and the comparison with other cytokines: induction of tumor-specific immunity.

We have investigated the in vitro and in vivo antitumor activities of recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-alpha (rHuTNF-alpha) against Meth A sarcoma. Meth A sarcoma cells were found to a) be relatively insensitive in vitro to rHuTNF-alpha, and b) express low numbers of TNF-alpha receptors. Intraperitoneally implanted Meth A sarcoma was insensitive to the antitumor effects of rHuTNF-alpha. In contrast, rHuTNF-alpha was highly efficacious against subcutaneously implanted Meth A sarcoma. Biodistribution studies with 125I- or 3H-labeled rHuTNF-alpha demonstrated that, after intravenous administration, the majority of the labeled rHuTNF-alpha localized in the kidney, lungs, and liver. Only low levels of radiolabel were found in subcutaneous Meth A implants. These results support the in vitro data on the low number of TNF-alpha receptors on Meth A sarcoma cells. The ability of rHuTNF-alpha to induce regression of established (7 days) subcutaneous Meth A implants, positively correlated with the degree of both macroscopic and microscopic tumor necrosis. In addition, recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-beta (lymphotoxin) and recombinant murine tumor necrosis factor-alpha induced similar levels of necrosis. Other lymphokines with known antitumor activities, recombinant human interferon-gamma, murine interferon-gamma, and human interleukin 1 alpha, failed to induce detectable necrosis of Meth A sarcoma. Mice which had rejected subcutaneous Meth A sarcoma implants after rHuTNF-alpha treatment and which were later challenged subcutaneously with Meth A sarcoma or other noncross-reacting chemically induced sarcomas were found to be specifically immune to Meth A sarcoma. In addition, low levels of cytotoxic antibodies reactive to Meth A sarcoma were detected in the sera of 21 of 30 Meth A immune mice. Histological evaluation of the hemorrhagic tumor necrosis induced by rHuTNF-alpha suggests that the primary lesion is vascular, possibly directly on the endothelial cells. The mechanisms involved in the generation of specific cell-mediated antitumor immunity in this model are at present unknown.