Continuous 300-K laser operation of strained superlattices

Continuous (cw) 300-K laser operation of a 66-period lower energy GaAs-InxGa1−xAs (x∼0.2) strained superlattice (SL) and a higher energy 128-period GaAs1−xPx-GaAs (x∼0.25) strained SL is demonstrated. The strained SL’s are grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy (OMVPE) or metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) with higher gap quaternary confining layers and LB ∼75 Å barriers and Lz ∼75 Å quantum wells. These SL’s are unstable during high level excitation, failing in 2–20 min when operated cw at 300 K as photopumped lasers.