Gettering of Au atoms in silicon induced by ion implantation

A series of gettering experiments has been carried out with a view to obtaining a better understanding of the gettering mechanism of Au atoms in silicon. Neutron activation techniques were used to study the yield of ion-implantation gettering of gold in gold-equilibrated silicon samples. The implantation species was bombarded by 100 keV neon ions to the doses 5*1015, 1016 and 5*1016 ions cm-2. Next, annealing at temperatures 600 degrees C, 800 degrees C and 1000 degrees C, respectively was performed. The experimental results of gettering yield Gexp were compared with theoretical values Gthe. In this paper the authors propose a gettering model based on the dissociative mechanism of diffusion. They suggest that, for temperatures up to about 900 degrees C, the predominant gettering of Au atoms is governed by this mechanism.

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