Indirect immunofluorescence of inactive centromeres as indicator of centromeric function

Two previous single case reports from the literature showed the presence or absence of centromeric antigens at the site of the inactive centromeres in one (X;X) and in one (9;11) dicentric chromosome. We studied nine different dicentric chromosomes using anticentromeric antibodies and immunofluorescence techniques. In the four autosomal dicentrics the inactive centromere was consistently positive while the dicentrics composed of two X chromosomes were either positive or negative; one case of (X;Y) dicentric was negative. The results indicate that the X chromosome mode of replication may be involved in the suppression of immunofluorescence at the site of the inactive centromere and that one centromere of the dicentric chromosome may lose its function but conserve some of its antigenic properties. This indicates that not all these antigens play a rôle in the microtubules-centromere interaction.