GenAge: a genomic and proteomic network map of human ageing

The aim of this work was to provide an overview of the genetics of human ageing to gain novel insights about the mechanisms involved. By incorporating findings from model organisms to humans, such as mutations that either delay or accelerate ageing in mice, we constructed the gene networks previously related to ageing: namely, the network related to DNA metabolism and the network involving the GH/IGF-1 axis. Gathering data about the interacting partners of these proteins allowed us to suggest the involvement in ageing of a number of proteins through a "guilt-by-association" methodology. To organize our data, we developed the first curated database of genes related to human ageing: GenAge. With over 200 entries, GenAge may serve as a reference database of genes related to human ageing. Moreover, we rendered the first proteomic network map of human ageing, which suggests a relationship between the genetics of development and the genetics of ageing. Our work serves as a framework upon which a systems-biology understanding of ageing can be developed. GenAge is freely available for academic purposes at: