A Monte Carlo Simulation of Ion-Induced Kinetic Electron Emission with a Stochastic Excitation of Electrons in Solids

A Monte Carlo simulation is performed for the study of the proton-induced kinetic secondary electron emission from solids. In this simulation, the excitation of conduction electrons in solids is stochastically treated by using the excitation function with the Lindhard dielectric theory. The calculated electron yields are about 30 percent larger than experimental yields at incident energy of 1 keV. The simulation, however, enables the calculation of angular and energy distributions of emitted electrons; the angular distribution calculated follows a cosine law. The energy distribution peaks at an energy of 2∼3 eV, which is consistent with the experimental ones, while the FWHM (full width at half-maximum) of the calculated distribution is larger than those. In addition, the depth distribution of secondary electrons is analogous to that obtained with electron bombardment.