In expts. with intestinal loops effects on blood sugar quite as great as from subcut. adm. were obtained in 30 mins. from the same amt. of insulin introduced into the loop with various promoting agents. The effect is shorter-lasting, which means that less insulin reaches the circulation from the alimentary tract. Pinacol, Aerosol O.T., methyl salicylate, thiamin and quinine, as well as the alkyl resorcinols, promote the absorption of insulin in this manner at a pH of 4.5. The effect of methyl salicylate is attributed to its special irritating influence on the mucosa. The pinacol molecule probably has a configuration such that it fits into the insulin molecute, thereby bringing about a change in the penetrability of the latter. Alkaline reactions favor absorption still more. There is no direct relationship between the absorption of insulin and surface tension. A high pH is advantageous in inhibiting the destructive action of pepsin on insulin and in softening the mucosa for its absorption. Acidic and basic organic dyes and other colloids supposed to precipitate and inactivate enzymes do not promote the absorption of insulin when added to solns. containing hexyl resorcinol. No effect on absorption is observed by increasing villous activity, adding K or removing Ca. An additive effect on absorption is obtained by combining different factors. Hexyl resorcinol promotes the absorption of insulin principally by changing the nature of the membrane and by protecting the hormone from enzymatic hydrolysis.