Advertising Puffery: The Impact of Using Two-Sided Claims on Product Attitude and Purchase Intention

This study was undertaken to examine advertising puffery in a one-sided appeal and a two-sided refutational form. The two-sided refutational advertisement disclaimed product attributes in order to enhance subjects' perceptions of credibility, ultimately minimizing the effects of a disconfirming product trial. When given exposure to a two-sided refutational appeal in puffed form, product evaluation ratings after a disconfirming trial remained constant with increasing levels of puffery. In comparison, exposure to a one-sided appeal in puffed form led to post-trial ratings which declined significantly given exposure to a high level of puffery (contrast). These findings suggest that, given product trial, consumers are generally not deceived by high levels of puffery in a onesided form, whereas they appear to be more susceptible to deception when exposed to a two-sided refutational communication.