Electric-field-induced absorption effect in LPE-grown InGaAsP/InP multi-quantum-well waveguides

Multi‐quantum‐well (MQW) strip‐loaded waveguides, which are composed of liquid‐phase‐epitaxy‐grown InGaAsP/InP systems, have been characterized in detail. Several MQW waveguides with well depths (Lz) ranging from 100 to 240 Å have been compared with bulk ones about the electric‐field‐induced absorption effect, considering the zero‐bias propagation loss and the optical confinement factor in the region in which absorption occurs. It has been confirmed that the MQW (Lz∼100 Å) waveguides have an absorption change under the electric field more than five times larger than the bulk ones with the same zero‐bias propagation loss.