A study of deep-submicron MOSFET scaling based on experiment and simulation

The scaling relationships among three fundamental quantities of deep-submicron MOSFET's, i.e., effective channel length Leff, device speed gm/WCox, and drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) δVt/δVds, are investigated using both device measurements and numerical simulations. It is found that these relationships can be expressed in power-law forms with excellent statistical significance for both experimental and simulation data samples. The dependence of these scaling relationships on two sets of device parameters is also investigated experimentally and confirmed by numerical simulations. These two sets of parameters are: 1) channel parameters-gate oxide thickness tox threshold voltage Vt, and channel doping profile; and 2) source/drain parameters-junction depth xj, parasitic resistance Rsd , and junction abruptness (e.g., “halo” doping structure). In the deep-submicron regime with Leff from 0.5 μm down to sub-0.1 μm, it is found that certain relationships among the three fundamental quantities are insensitive or “universal” with respect to particular subsets of device parameters. The relationship between gm/WCox and δVt/δVds with Leff as an implicit variable is found to be insensitive to tox, Vt , and channel doping profile within their respective experimental ranges. The trade-off between device performance (represented by gm /WCox) and short channel effect (represented by δVt/δVds) is dominated by source/drain parameters xj, Rsd and junction abruptness, rather than channel parameters tox, Vt and channel doping profile. Also, the power coefficient relating δVt/δVds, to Leff is found to be insensitive to tox, Vt, and channel doping

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