Influences of Cultural Conditions on Polyphenol Formation and Growth of Amacha Cells(Hydrangea macrophyllaSeringe var. Thunbergii Makino) and Changes of Polyphenol Contents in Leaves of Amacha Plant during Growth

Suitable cultural conditions for polyphenol formation were examined in the amacha cultured cells. Factors tested included; inoculum size, sucrose concentration, various carbon sources, extract (malt extract and yeast extract), kinetin, auxins, initial pH, light exposure and phosphate concentration. Sucrose concentration had marked effects on cell growth and polyphenol production, and phosphate concentration was significant in polyphenol formation, although other investigated factors had no effects on polyphenol productivity. The time course of polyphenol accumulation in cultured cells showed that polyphenol content decreased at the lag and early-exponential phases of growth, and increased remarkably till the stationary phase. Cells at the stationary phase did not accumulate polyphenol and even lost these polyphenols to the external medium as the cells reached the declining phase. Large scale culture of amacha cells was carried out using a 15 liter jar fermentor. Investigations on polyphenol content changes with amacha leaves were also carried out during growth. Isocoumarins, especially phyllodulcin, were formed as the glycosides at an early stage, and these glycosides were hydrolyzed to their aglycones by enzymes at a later stage.