Normal, alloxan-diabetic, adrenalectomized, hypophysectomized, adrenalectomized diabetic and hypophysectomized diabetic rats were maintained on a bread and milk diet. All adrenalectomized rats were given 1% saline as drinking water. Livers were examined for N content and succinoxidase activity. Liver N of the unfasted alloxan-diabetic rat was elevated 30% above normal, though the % water was normal. Liver succinoxidase activity was 70% above normal per unit fresh wt., but only 25% above normal per mg. N. Per cent liver N and liver succinoxidase were brought down to that of the corresponding nondiabetic controls by adrenalectomy or hypophysectomy. The livers of normal and adrenalectomized rats had the same N content and succinoxidase activity per g. fresh wt. The livers of hypophysectomized rats had slightly elevated N content and an elevated succinoxidase activity proportional to the elevation in liver N.