LPE Growth of In1-xGaxP0.96As0.04 on GaAs Substrate by Two-Phase Melt Method.

In1-x Ga x P0.96As0.04 LPE layers were grown on (100) GaAs substrates from a two-phase solution with an excess GaP source at 785°C and 795°C. The relations between the liquid compositions of Ga and P, X Ga l and X P l, at 800°C, were obtained experimentally for a liquid composition of As, X As l, of 0.76 at%. Based on these results, it was found that high-quality InGaPAs LPE-layers can be grown from an In melt with X Ga l between 1.10 at% and 1.30 at% and X P l between 2.85 at% and 2.90 at%. The liquid and solid compositions are discussed in connection with the calculated In-Ga-P-As phase diagram. The characteristics of the solution were examined by changing the growth time and temperature, and the crystal quality of the InGaPAs LPE layers was examined by a photoluminescence method in terms of the lattice mismatch between the InGaPAs LPE layer and the GaAs substrate