LPE Growth of In1-xGaxP1-zAsz (z ≦0.01) on (1 0 0) GaAs Substrates and Its Lattice Constants and Photoluminescence

The LPE Growth of In1-x Ga x P1-z As z (z ≦0.01) on (1 0 0) GaAs substrates is described with stress on the relation between the compositions of source melts and the quality of grown crystals. The melt in equilibrium with In1-x Ga x P0.99As0.01 lattice-matched to GaAs at 785°C is found to consist of 0.87 at.% of Ga, 2.66 at.% of P, 0.05 at.% of As and the rest In. Lattice constants strained in the direction of growth of the layers grown from melts supersaturated by 4°C were pinned near to a value 0.3% larger than that of GaAs substrates. However, the pinning was not observed for wafers grown from melts supersaturated by more than 8.6°C. The photoluminescence of the wafers is also reported.