Regge-Pole Model forπp,pp, andp¯pScattering

A model for high-energy πp, pp, and p¯p elastic scattering at small momentum transfer is presented, based on the assumed dominance of a few Regge poles in the crossed channel. For πp scattering these are the P, P, and ρ poles; for pp and p¯p, ignoring isospin dependence, they are P, P, and ω. This model fits a wide variety of data, including the differential cross sections that shrink for pp but not for πp or p¯p, recent results from Brookhaven on total cross sections and ratios of the real to imaginary parts of the forward scattering amplitude, and also recent πp and pp polarization results, but it gives zero polarization for πp charge-exchange scattering. (Although the latter disagrees with experiment, additions to the model to correct this insufficiency would affect the other results but little.) The factorization property of Regge poles is tested by these fits to data for the P and P couplings.