V. Effect of Epinephrine, AGTH and Cortisone on Citrate, Calcium, Glucose and Phosphate Levels in Rabbits.

The effect of parenteral epinephrine, adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), and cortisone on citrate, phosphate, Ca and glucose levels was studied in fasting (48 hr.) rabbits. Epinephrine (0.08 mg./kg.) causes a rise within 2 hrs. in citrate (30%), glucose (120%) and Ca (15%) serum levels. Inorganic phosphate and K levels dropped 12% and 18%,respectively,at the same time. Cortisone (25 mg./kg.) caused a rise in glucose (120%) and inorganic phosphate (15%) and a fall in citrate (28%) and Ca (8%) serum levels after 4-5 hrs. ACTH (0.3 mg./kg.) caused a drop in Ca (20%) and a rise in citrate levels (30%) at 3 hrs. With ACTH glucose changes were somewhat variable but showed a tendency to rise approx. 10% at 3 hrs. With ACTH a preliminary drop in phosphate levels (5%) was followed by a rise to 5% above fasting after 4 hrs. The phosphate response was also variable. With massive doses of ACTH (0.75-6.5 mg./kg.) convulsions and death were observed in 6 of 12 rabbits. Mean fasting levels found in fasting rabbits were (mg./100 ml. serum), citric acid 3.67 (66 rabbits), glucose 120 (56 rabbits), Ca 13.8 (42 rabbits), inorganic phosphate 4.86 (43 rabbits) and K 14.5 (11 rabbits). It is suggested that the balance between ACTH, epinephrine, insulin and cortisone secretion, because of their effect on citrate Ca and phosphate levels play a significant role in the maintenance of the Ca ion concn. of the body fluids.