A Comparison of Conventional 60Co Testing and Low Dose-Accumulation-Rate Exposure of Metal-Gate CMOS IC's

Data are presented for the CD4000 family of Hi-Rel, rad-hard, metal-gate CMOS ICs which show a much greater tolerance to low dose-rate ionizing radiation than that observed with "conventional rate" (approximately 106 rad(Si)/hr) 60Co testing. Data obtained using conventional rate 60Co irradiations followed by either a 24-hour, high-temperature (100°C) anneal or a 65-day, room temperature anneal are in good agreement with data obtained by exposing similar parts at a low dose-accumulation rate (daily 17-second, 5000 rad(Si) exposures) for 200 consecutive days. Graphs of thresholds, output drive, and propagation delay for both low dose-accumulation rate and conventional rate exposures are included.

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