A study was made of the ketogenic properties of various pituitary fractions. Points of special interest arising out of these expts. are: association of the ketogenic activity with protein fractions; thermostability of the ketogenic substance over a wide pH range which is confined to the acid side; presence of ketogenic substance in isofiltrates obtained after heating active protein fractions in an acid medium; presence of ketogenic activity in the precipitate thrown down with alcohol from such isofiltrates. In 24-hr. fasted mice active ketogenic preps. bring about a fatty infiltration of the liver. Total body fat does not show an appreciable change. In 48-hr. fasted animals the high liver fat is associated with a low total body fat. This is associated with a low liver fat content in 24-hr. fasted animals. Preliminary expts. on the adm. of ketogenic preps. together with the specific metabolic stimulant show an enhanced loss of total body fat in mice.