An Experimental Method for Quantitative Evaluation of Thrombolysis: Effect of Ca-7, a Protease from Aspergillus Oryzae

Quantitation of clot lysis has been effected to the dog by insertion into the external jugular vein of a weighed, autologous clot formed and retracted around a special framework. Ease of clot insertion and recovery after treatment provides a rapid screening method to evaluate thrombolytic agents, and, since the animal need not be sacrificed or severely traumatized, observations can be extended through the post-treatment period. Intravascular lysis of clots to heparinlzed dogs with intravenous injection of 2483 C-2 units/kg of CA-7, a purified protease derived from Asperglllus orvzae, is presented as evidence of methodological utility. Clot lysis and survival were variable with lysis ranging from 18-96%. This variability is shown to be correlated with individual differences in levels of circulating inhibitors. Significant lysis was evident 5 hours after treatment with CA-7 in 50% of the dogs without apparent toxicity or mortality, thereby supporting the contention that this enzyme might be of value as a thrombolytic agent, providing dosage is based upon individual requirements.

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