Knight Shift and Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation Rate in Solid and Liquid Copper

Measurements of the Knight shift K of Cu63 and the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate T11 of Cu63 and Cu65 are reported for solid and liquid copper. The temperature T range covered for the solid is 300°K to the melting point (1356°K). Measurements of K in the liquid extend from 1200°K (supercooled) to 1450°K; measurements of T11 cover the range 1200-1370°K. In the solid, the Knight shift shows a slight increase with temperature and, up to about 1000°K, the product T1TK2 is constant. Above 1000°K, an additional contribution to T11 is observed which is attributed to a quadrupolar interaction with diffusing imperfections. There is a sudden increase of about 3.7% in K and 20% in the inferred magnetic contribution to T11 on going from the solid to the liquid state at 1356°K. In the liquid state, both K and T1T are independent of T. The values of T11 in the liquid are consistent with a lack of quadrupolar contribution to T11.

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