Search for an Excited Rotational Band inMo98with the (p, t) Reaction

The (p, t) reaction has been used to study the Mo98 nucleus which is expected to show the characteristics of a shape-transitional nucleus. A search has been made for a rotational band built upon the 0+ state at 737 keV. The incident energy was 19 MeV. Cross sections were measured to many states and a number of spins and parities were assigned from the (p, t) angular distribution. The results show no positive evidence for an axially symmetric rotational band built upon the 737-keV (0+) state. The levels observed agree with those predicted from an axially asymmetric rotor in the model of Gneuss and Greiner. The present spin and parity assignments agree with the previous work for most of the states. However, a few discrepancies have been found.