Chlorine Incorporation in Shrimp

Chlorine incorporation into shrimp was determined following immersion in a 150 mg/L solution of HO36Cl. Approximately 2% of the 36Cl in the original immersion solution was incorporated into the shrimp during the 30‐min immersion period; 75% of which was detected in the edible portion. Approximately 3% of the chlorine associated with the edible portion was detected in the CHCl3:CH3OH soluble fraction. Data indicated that chlorine incorporation in lipids is directly related to the degree of unsaturation. The trichloroacetic acid (TCA) precipitable protein fraction contained 22% of the 36Cl associated with the edible portion. Seventy‐three percent of the chlorine associated with the edible shrimp tissue existed as 36Cl. Negligible amounts of chlorine were detected in the control fractions.