Honeys from Different Floral Sources as Inhibitors of Enzymatic Browning in Fruit and Vegetable Homogenates

Honeys from different floral sources were evaluated for their antioxidant content and for their ability to inhibit enzymatic browning in fruits and vegetables. Antioxidant contents of honeys vary widely from different floral sources, as do their abilities to protect against enzymatic browning. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity was reduced over a range of ∼2−45% in fruit and vegetable homogenates, corresponding to a reduction in browning index by 2.5−12 units. Soy honey was particularly effective when compared to clover honey, which had a similar antioxidant content. When compared to commercial inhibitors of browning, honeys were less effective; however, in combination they added to the effectiveness of metabisulfite and ascorbic acid. Honey has great potential to be used as a natural source of antioxidants to reduce the negative effects of PPO browning in fruit and vegetable processing. Keywords: Honey; enzymatic browning; polyphenol oxidase; fruits and vegetables

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