Pathogenesis of Marek's Disease Virus-Induced Local Lesions. 1. Lesion Characterization and Cell Line Establishment

Subcutaneous (wing-web) or intramuscular inoculation of chickens with allogeneic normal or Marek''s disease virus (MDV)-infected chicken kidney cells induced local lesions visible by 3-4 days postinoculation (PI). Lesions were slightly larger (P < 0.05) in infected than uninfected chickens 5 and 8 days PI. They persisted and grew past 9 days PI only when infected. Infiltrating lymphocytes in infected and uninfected early lesions were similar; they included B-cells and also T-cells with and without Ia antigen. Up to 42% of lymphocytes from infected or uninfected lesions had the surface antigen MATSA. At 3 to 6 days PI, infected lesions contained lymphocytes with viral internal antigen, especially in Ia-bearing cells and MATSA-bearing cells, but thereafter infection was latent. Cells harvested daily from local lesions induced with allogeneic MDV-infected cells were cultured; MD tumor cell lines were established from lesions as early as 4 days PI, with a total success rate of about 50% thereafter. Either transformed tumor cells were already present during the early cytolytic infection period or else appropriate target cells were present that became infected in vivo and/or in vitro and then became transformed in vitro.