Summary: The antibody responses of military recruits following administration of type 4 or 7 adenovirus vaccine and of patients suffering infections with adenovirus type 4 or 14 were studied. Type 4 vaccine induced significant neutralizing antibody against type 4 virus, a slight increase in antibody against types 3 and 14, and no antibody against type 7. The antibody-producing capacity of type 7 vaccine was greater than that of type 4 vaccine. Type 7 vaccine produced a marked neutralizing antibody response to types 3, 7 and 14, and a slight increase in antibody against type 4 only. The response to types 4 and 7 vaccine as measured with the complement-fixation test was poor in comparison to the neutralizing antibody response and tended to be type-specific. An assay of neutralizing antibody in sera from recruits showed that antibody against types 3, 7 and 14 was common at the time of the vaccination study or previously, whereas antibody against type 4 was less prevalent. It appeared that increases in heterotypic neutralizing antibody occurred more frequently when heterotypic antibody was present in the prevaccination or preinfection serum at a level of 1:2 to 1:16 than when no antibody was found The findings are discussed and compared to those of other studies. The data support the concept that the heterotypic antibody response to adenovirus vaccination or infection is conditioned by the recall phenomenon.