Incorporation of Zn in GaAs during organometallic vapor phase epitaxy growth compared to equilibrium

The zinc concentration measured after organometallic vapor phase epitaxy (OMVPE) growth on (100)-oriented GaAs at 700 °C has been compared to the zinc concentration measured after in-diffusion under near-equilibrium conditions. During diffusion, the concentration of Zn 20 nm below the surface was found to vary with P1/2Zn, as expected for bulk solid–vapor equilibrium. During growth, the concentration of Zn varied linearly with PZn up to a maximum value which was found to correspond to the solubility limit set by second phase formation, e.g., growth of Zn3As2. Although large differences were observed between the results of the two experiments when using nominally identical ambient conditions, all of the results are consistent with a thermodynamic model in which the Fermi level at the surface is pinned approximately 200 meV below the intrinsic Fermi level. Typical OMVPE growth conditions appear to give a bulk zinc concentration which is supersaturated relative to the ambient partial pressures used, and to enhance the diffusion of Zn into the substrate.