Presence of a Gonadotrophin-inhibiting Factor in the Urine of Hypogonadotrophic-Hypogonadal Patients and Further Studies of Its Properties

Urine from 4 hypogonadotropic-hypogonadic patients was extracted by the kaolin adsorption alcohol precipitation method. The extract inhibited, in infantile mice, the uterus growth-promoting activity of human pituitary and chorionic gonadotrophins. The gonadotropin- inhibiting factor, extracted from urine of young children, inhibited the action of a gonadotropic preparation with LH-like properties, but failed to inhibit a similar action of a gonadotropic preparation with FSH-like properties. A method of purification of the gonadotropin-inhibiting factor is presented. It involves treatment with trichloroacetic acid, followed by dialysis against saline. Inactivation of this factor was achieved by heating it at pH 1 at 120 C.