Effects of hempa on the gonads of Locusta Migratoria (L.) (Orthoptera, Acrididae)

Only a very strong dose of 0·5 mg of hempa caused necrosis in testes of Locusta migratoria (L.). The apical cells, spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes became pycnotic and the germ cells were disorganised. Multinucleated cells also developed, due to failure of spindle formation, and a few hypertrophied spermatids occurred. In ovaries the chromatin of the follicular epithelial cell nuclei was abnormally fragmented; nuclei of the follicular epithelial cells became pycnotic; germinal vesicle was badly damaged; cytoplasm of the follicular epithelial cells was drawn into the peripheral empty space formed by the contraction of the ooplasm; the follicular epithelium degenerated later; and yolk formation was inhibited. With increased doses and post-treatment periods necrosis became more marked. Hempa was more effective in the ovary than in the testes of L. migratoria.