Ti/GaAs Schottky barriers prepared by ion beam sputtering

Schottky barrier diodes of Ti on n‐GaAs wafers were made by means of an ion beam sputtering (IBS) system under various sputtering conditions. We have investigated Schottky diode parameters by IV and CV measurements, and deep level centers by deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS). The electrical characteristics are typical of good quality Ti/GaAs Schottky diodes for all samples, although a slight deterioration of the electrical performances has been observed for samples prepared at higher beam voltage. DLTS investigation shows the presence of damage defects in concentration lower than 1 × 1014 cm−3 for all samples with the exception of those prepared at higher beam voltage. Such low concentration of defects introduced by the sputtering deposition shows that IBS can be a very useful technique to prepare Schottky barriers on GaAs.