Hyperfine, Superhyperfine, and Quadrupole Interactions ofGd3+in YPO4

The electron-paramagnetic-resonance spectrum of Gd3+ in YPO4 shows a superhyperfine structure from two nearest-neighbor phosphorus nuclei when observed with H parallel to the crystal c axis. The spectrum for H perpendicular to the c axis is unusual because of quadrupole interactions in Gd155 and Gd157 which are larger than the hyperfine interaction in these ions. The measured Gd3+-P interaction parameter |T|=1. 02 G fits well a dipole-dipole interaction model. The hyperfine parameters are A155=4.7 G and A157=6.1 G. The quadrupole-interaction parameters are |Q155|=18. 1 G and |Q157|=19.3 G. From these the ratio of the nuclear quadrupole moments of Gd155 and Gd157 is obtained as 0.94 ± 0.01. This result is discussed in the light of quadrupole moments previously measured by optical and nuclear methods.