Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Metalorganic-Vapor- Phase-Epitaxy-Grown 1585 nm InGaAs/InGaAlAs Separate Confinement Heterostructure Multiple-Quantum-Well Metal-Clad Ridge-Waveguide Lasers

Fabrication and characteristics of InGaAs/InGaAlAs separate confinement heterostructure multiquantum-well (SCH-MOW) metal-clad ridge-waveguide (MCRW) laser diodes are reported. The layer structures have been grown by atmospheric pressure metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (AP-MOVPE) without any use of phospine. The lasers emit around 1585 nm, and the minimum cw-threshold current is 15 mA for 200 µm-long lasers with high-reflection (HR) coating on both mirrors. For 600 µm- and 800 µm-long one-side HR-coated devices, continuous wave (CW) output power levels up to 16 mW and CW operation around 60°C have been achieved. A power-limited 3 dB bandwidth of 5.1 GHz has been measured. From small signal modulation measurements, a maximum differential gain of 7.7×10-16 cm2 has been calculated.