Monolithic integrated photoreceiver for 1.3–1.55-μm wavelengths: Association of a Schottky photodiode and a field-effect transistor on GaInP-GaInAs heteroepitaxy

We present a monolithic integrated circuit associating a Schottky photodiode and a field‐effect transistor which has been fabricated, for the first time, on Ga0.49In0.51P/Ga0.47In0.53As strained heteroepitaxial material. Static, dynamic, and noise properties of the Schottky photodiode, the field‐effect transistor, and the integrated circuit have been investigated and are reported. As an example, dynamic responsivity up to 50 A/W can be achieved at 1.3‐μm wavelength for the integrated photoreceiver. The performance of the device is discussed, taking into account the integrated circuit design and the main characteristics of the material.