Investigations of the weak trigonalGd3+ESR center in alkaline-earth-fluoride crystals

Detailed electron-spin-resonance investigations have been made of the weak trigonal Gd3+ center in alkaline-earth fluorides (CaF2, SrF2, and BaF2). We have been successful in detecting partially resolved fluorine superhyperfine structures of the weak trigonal Gd3+ center in SrF2 and BaF2. Based on the results of analyses of the observed superhyperfine structures, it is concluded that the weak trigonal center is involved with all the eight first-shell (nearest-neighbor) fluorines with the charge compensator, believed to be a F ion, situated at the interstitial body center of the fluorine cube adjacent to the Gd3+ ion along the [111] direction. A complete set of the crystal-field fine-structure splitting constants of the Gd3+ center has been determined for the first time in SrF2. Despite extensive searching, the weak trigonal center has not been observed in CaF2.