Stimulation of human prostate cancer cell lines by factors present in human osteoblast‐like cells but not in bone marrow

Secondary deposits of prostate tumours are frequently found in the skeleton where they produce osteoblastic lesions. In this study both osteoblast‐like cells and bone marrow from the proximal femur have been cultured to determine whether or not they can release factors which could support the growth of secondary prostate tumours. Media conditioned by both osteoblast‐like cells (OBCM) and bone marrow were examined for their potential to stimulate prostate carcinoma cell lines. Whilst the results obtained demonstrated that OBCM could enhance the growth of both the hormone sensitive (LNCaP) and hormone unresponsive (PC‐3 and DU‐145) prostate carcinoma cell lines, no proliferative effect could be shown on cell lines derived from cancers of the breast, bladder, and liver. Significantly, media conditioned by either bone marrow or human skin fibroblasts also had no effect on the growth of prostate carcinoma cell lines. This study supports the possibility that the proliferation of prostate cancer cells at secondary skeletal sites, in vivo, may be due to osteoblast derived factors.